- VisitID (unique, numerical, 7-8 digits)
- VisitDateTime (i.e. the date the guest visited)
- Client (client name)
- Brand (brand name, where relevant)
- BranchCode (the code you use to identify each restaurant)
- BranchName (the restaurant name)
- VisitType (type of feedback or social reviews)
- VisitSource (where the feedback came from e.g. reservation).
- VisitScore (the overall score for the visit expressed out of 100)
- NPS/RecommendScore (out of 10)
- NPS/RecommendComment (left by the guest against the NPS/recommend question)
- Section (name and score)
- Question Subject (name, category, score, analysis tag and dish – where applicable)
- Question Answer Option
- GuestID (the ID passed to us from your CRM, if applicable)
- MarketingConsent (Yes/No)
- ReplyConsent (Yes/No)