A QR code or link can be added to the bottom of your receipts, bill cards, posters, table talkers, menus or packaging. You can even have a different QR code/link for each location, meaning that guests won’t have to select the location they visited on the survey or risk them selecting the wrong one.
- Utilise your teams to highlight this and encourage the guests to leave feedback about their experience.
At-table/at-event via a tablet is an option to consider in the right setting. Perhaps its a new opening, an event or you're trialling a new menu - a tablet can be presented to request for feedback. If you have a confident team member who can engage with the customer about the new location, event or menu and assure the guest that the survey won’t take up much of their time. At table or at event feedback gives your guest the opportunity to provide feedback whilst the visit is still fresh in their mind, but should only be used when it can be added seamlessly as part of the guest journey.
If you would like to collect at table feedback, we have some features that can help:
- The survey can be set to refresh once it’s been completed, ready for the next guest - this could be through pressing a button or automated after, say, 30 seconds
- The survey also only needs an internet connection at the start and end, so there's no waiting for questions to load