About: Types of audit available

About: Types of audit available

Assessments are carried out by mystery guests who have been briefed by us. But there are several different types. Here's how they are handled in The Hub:

1. VISIT ASSESSMENTS. The most common type, and therefore usually the default. A mystery guest visits as a normal paying customer and completes a report on their experience.

2. TELEPHONE ASSESSMENTS. Used to assess how well your team responded to a phone enquiry, usually sales-related. These are displayed as a separate tab on the Operational Assessments page.

3. DELIVERY ASSESSMENTS. These are similar to a visit assessment, except that the guest is at home and the assessment is of the delivery (responsibility for which is usually a combination of the restaurant and the delivery provider). These are displayed on a separate page, along with guest reviews of the delivery on a separate tab.

4. PROJECT ASSESSMENTS. Sometimes, you may run a project, perhaps for a new opening or for a seasonal promotion. Assessments for these projects can be tracked separately on a page that can be controlled by user permissions.

5. INTERNAL AUDITS. These are a bit like mystery visits conducted by your operations team, using a survey tool that we provide. As for project assessments, they can be tracked on a separate permission-controlled page.
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