Notification: email alerts

Notification: email alerts

We can set up email alerts if a survey scores below (or above) a certain threshold. Optionally, this can also create a task within our platform's action centre for a designated person to pick up.

What are the benefits?

Real time feedback
Alerts can be triggered so that the relevant persons get an email notification as soon as a piece of feedback has been submitted, enabling you to act on the feedback promptly. 

Custom alerts 
Our alerts are bespoke to you - you decide the triggers, the alert template, and content, and who the alert should be sent too. 

Performance alerts features:

- An alert can be triggered by guest survey feedback, or visit assessments.
- An alert can be triggered by the overall feedback score, or the score for a particular question.
- The most common trigger is a score below a threshold (which you can define). It is also quite common to base the trigger on the 'Recommend' question, as this is a good indicator of what's going to happen to word-of-mouth if you don't intervene.
- Alerts don't have to be based on weak scores - you may want to be alerted to excellent scores in order to recognise the people responsible. 

Email template:
- We can create an email template specific for each alert type, so that the content is worded appropriately for the audience and for the context.
- Examples:
- Well done [Branch], you received a positive piece of feedback scoring [xxxx]. 
- Unfortunately, [Branch] received a negative piece of feedback scoring [xxxx] for the recommend question. The feedback scored [xxxx]. 

Email content: 
- We can add 'tokens' into the email alert to populate a range of information about the visit - for example question score, visit score, branch name, receipt number (where known), guest details (where known). 
- We can also attach a pdf copy of the completed report.

Email recipients: 
- You can choose who you wish to receive the alert. This may be the GM, Area Manager, a person at head office, or any combination of these. 
- You can also choose which sites each person should receive alerts for - this could be all sites, 'their' sites only, or specific named sites.

Trigger an action in the hub: 
- A performance alert can be set to create an 'action' in The Hub. This is related to the specific feedback and can be automatically assigned to the relevant person. You can then track subsequent status and communications on this action.

Getting started

To get started you'll need to: 

- Confirm the alert trigger
- Confirm the email template/content 
- Confirm who should receive the alerts, and which sites they should receive alerts for

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