There are various ways to incentivize guests to provide feedback.
The first is simply to make it easy. Remember that people only have a limited amount of time but, equally, once you've got their attention it's better to ask a few questions rather than just one.
The second is to make it visible. QR codes at one or more key touchpoints can be a good option. Consider packaging, receipts, cards, posters and invitation emails.
One common option is the use of a prize draw. Although you would be the formal promoter of the prize draw, we can draft up the competition terms and administer it on your behalf, picking winners at random and publishing anonymised details on the site. We also capture consent and give people the option of entering a prize draw, as it's always optional.
Remember, it's about guest engagement
Whatever you choose, make sure it adds to your brand engagement rather than detracting from it. So if you decide to offer a prize, consider how it might feel relevant to the guest's experience or how it might encourage them to make a return visit.
Get in touch if you'd like to talk through any ideas.